Wojciech Buja;lski

Wojciech Bujalski

Warsaw University of Technology

Technologies for the district heating of the future


Wojciech Bujalski, Ph.D., Prof. of the university, has been working for more than 20 years at the Institute of Thermal Technology at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. He holds the position of Director of the Institute of Heat Engineering. He is secretary of the Committee on Research Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His output includes more than 70 scientific publications of national and international scope. He has extensive scientific experience. He has managed or participated in more than 11 projects funded by science. He has worked with the industrial community for many years. He has led or executed more than 50 works commissioned by industry. His achievements include five years of work at the Capital District Heating Company. His scientific achievements were recognised when he received the Siemens Scientific Award for his work on developing energy storage technologies.

His scientific interests are mainly focused on optimising energy technology systems, particularly district heating systems. A significant part of the research concerns issues of heat and cold storage. In recognition of these achievements, Prof. Bujalski was awarded the Siemens Research Prize for his thesis entitled: "Development and Implementation of a Scientific Basis for the Design and Optimisation of the Control of Heat Accumulators in District Heating Systems", in which Prof. Bujalski was one of three authors. Another topic is economic issues in the energy industry. He expanded his knowledge in this field with a postgraduate course in Capital Investments and Company Development Projects at the Warsaw School of Economics. His scientific interests currently include issues related to distributed energy, particularly in district heating, Smart City and Smart Energy Systems.

Prof. Wojciech Bujalski has carried out or is carrying out numerous research projects in the field of district heating. He is currently completing a project entitled 'Innovative phase-change heat and cold stores in a modern district heating installation', in which heat stores will be used to optimise the operation of a district heating substation to generate cold from heat.

Prof. Wojciech Bujalski is a recognised expert in district heating and cogeneration. His recognition is evidenced by his numerous participation in conferences on district heating, including, among others, his multiple chairmanships of conferences on the subject of district heating.


A paper will present the state of the Polish district heating sector. It is necessary to take a broader view of the energy sector to assess it fully, as there is currently a substantial overlap between the sectors. The sector that will have the most significant impact on the district heating sector is likely to be the power industry. Another essential element in diagnosing the district heating sector is describing the legal environment. This is a series of legal acts forcing the transformation of district heating. Perhaps the most crucial element at present is the Energy Efficiency Directive. The combination of these two elements defines the district heating sector's challenges. The analysis focuses on the district heating sector's challenges and addresses industry-related issues. The presentation will outline the basic technologies for the district heating sector and assess their role in the future.

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